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Kettering Black Mold Remediation Services

If you happen to discover mold in your property, your first course of action should be to contact the skilled team at Services Pros of Kettering. We are highly experienced specialists in mold removal and remediation, possessing years of expertise in addressing mold-related concerns of any magnitude.

As part of our dedication to ensuring customer satisfaction, we provide round-the-clock service. Our team, comprising top-tier technicians fully licensed, bonded, and insured, ranks among the finest in the industry. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment in all our mold remediation projects, guaranteeing consistently high-quality results.

Expert Black Mold Removal For Homes and Businesses Across Kettering

Uncovering mold in your property can trigger frustration and embarrassment, but it’s important to recognize that some level of mold presence is common. The concern escalates when mold becomes visible to the naked eye, signaling a potentially hazardous infestation. Mold has the potential to compromise both your health and the structural integrity of your property by causing damage to porous materials such as wood and drywall. At Services Pros of Kettering, we acknowledge that prompt containment is the essential factor for effective remediation.

Resist the urge to combat mold using household cleaners such as bleach. It is both more time and cost-effective to enlist the assistance of professionals. Mold problems require evaluation by trained and certified experts to avoid the inadvertent spread of the infestation. Typical causes of mold growth include plumbing leaks, excessively humid conditions, or inadequately managed floods.

Black Mold Cleaning Professionals in Kettering, Potomac, and Olney Ohio

Our mold removal process is characterized by rigorous adherence to a precise protocol. It commences with the identification of the mold’s source, an assessment of the infestation’s scope, the determination of the mold strain, and an evaluation of the affected areas. After we’ve gathered this information, we will provide you with a detailed cost estimate and an action plan. Once you’ve granted your approval, we initiate the remediation process. Transparency is our guiding principle, and we are committed to keeping you informed at every step. Our team members, who are both understanding and empathetic, remain available to address any questions or concerns you may have throughout the entire process. When you choose Services Pros of Kettering, you are selecting a comprehensive and professionally executed approach to mold remediation.

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Customer Reviews & Testimonials

  • We had a sewer backup in our finished basement. This was an emotionally devastating experience and we had no idea where to start. The team from 911 was very professional and quickly calmed our nerves and in a few days had our home back to normal. Thank You so much! Theresa Robinson
  • Found some mold in our attic and we were concerned it would cost a fortune to clean up. Fortunately, the team from 911 got it safely cleaned up without breaking the bank. THANK YOU ! Peter Riley

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